Monday, October 06, 2008

Oct 6, 2008; PJ Sessions Court

Let's start with an easy question.

Do you think they can break him?

(Pic was taken at about 1.50pm, when the court broke for lunch. They had to move RPK into the temporary holding cell.)

Do you think they can break her?

This morning, a bunch who'd typically hate Mondays decided to move their butts in a show of love to the editor of M-Today. While Raja Petra was inside, a hundred No-to-ISA people milled outside uncertain if it would be a full session or another adjournment. A full-day session, so it turned out.

Good news, perhaps. In a couple of days, who knows, perhaps we'll get to the part where RPK dishes out the evidence on the Altantuya story. If i were Rosmah - and if there was any shred of truth in the RPK story - i'd be having stones in my kidneys.

And here's one man who's been tirelessly rallying Bangsa Malaysia to wake up, this time taking shots of people all over: the Indefatiguable Haris! Just what ginseng does he grow in his kebun?

Within that little fenced compound of the Sessions Court, the crowd filled its asphalt surface and went about talking, sharing, reassuring - creating the very stuff every chemist dreams about. Bonds.

The PJ Sessions court may be a shabby little enclave of justice, but it has its gems if one cares to see. And as the minutes tick into hours, one begins to discover pretty pockets unexpectedly tucked in corners of the building. Lessons no less. Happy accidents, for they were obviously unplanned. They speak of Freedom and how - with that space to thrive - even the coldest concrete structure gets a soul.

We must create that space, that condition. For tomorrow's sakes, it is now.

And of course, in closing:

Further readings:
The People's Parliament here and here.
Zorro's here.

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