Thursday, September 18, 2008

For real?

With every passing hour - days are too long in this aspect - the Pakatan's claim of taking over the government becomes more suspect.

It's not that the Rakyat are impatient with the wait. We can wait; so long as it's in a bed of solid substance. Rather, it's the lack of hard evidence that the task has been achieved which make us suspect. With every passing hour - without concrete gestures towards reaching that goal - more and more people will begin to doubt. The Rakyat's belief will ebb. And exponentially too.

So far, we've been served with two press conferences - one on Sept 16 itself, the other this afternoon at 2pm. The content hasn't changed. On Sept 16, a strong stand was made alongside a vague road map. They asked for a meeting with AAB, then asked that we wait for his response. We can deal with that; we can keep the faith, so long as we see clear progress.

Progress? Hardly. Today's was a rehash: Again asking an audience with the Prime Minister. This time to call an emergency session of Parliament.

Now, why would the Prime Minister want to do that, Anwar? A similar gesture had been delivered to Abdullah via your troupe on Sept 15. He scoffed and called you a "nuisance". In street language, he told you to F-off. Yesterday he dangled the possibility of ISA on you. In the spirit of sopan, you're already done the right thing, and yet you repeat the storyline again two days later.

Progress? i don't think so. Especially when in the press conference, someone asked what if Abdullah turned you down again? Your reply: The PR leaders will meet to discuss the next course of action. (.....duh?)

i mean, hasn't this been factored by your team of strategists? Haven't the various scenarios been rehearsed? Are you SERIOUSLY putting that much premium on Abdullah calling for an emergency House session?

It is signs like these which make me ponder about how real Anwar's claims are today. Much as i'd want to see that happen, i find doubts bubbling within me.

If Pakatan has it, Pakatan must act. Lose the Rakyat's faith and you lose everything.

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