Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pak Denial

The Prime Minister is set on outdoing himself yet again. Some gems from his speech at the Gerakan National Conference yesterday:

"We do not want to pretend and say that everything is okay. We do not want to be in a state of denial. Tell the truth, even if it is painful."

When the 2,000-strong Bar Council's March for Justice up to your doorstep that Wednesday morning, what do you think they were telling you? Like, hey keep up the good work? And yet buses were stopped at entry points into Putrajaya and the passengers made to walk. Security measures it seems. The FRU was there, hundreds of them, with water canon, chopper. Seems like you didn't want to get the message that day.

"The prime minister must have the courage and readiness to listen even to the worst stories, whether it is related to the country or himself. Never allow yourself to sink in a hole of denial and feel that everything is alright."

Your machai Nazri has this to say about the VK Lingam tape and subsequent Bar Council march: "No crisis, no problems. I don't see any scandal.” Now you help me out, Abdullah - define denial.

"I know, you know that I have never been inconsistent. I am firm in my stand. We have been entrusted to lead at the national level. Our duty is to all citizens regardless of race."

Whoa, go easy with the self-praise. Best to let others make that judgment. I can think of one Zakaria Deros who got off lightly for building without a permit, yet dozens of Hindu temples have been torn down for the same reason. I can think of you declaring RM600 million in federal development funds for all states except Umno-less Sarawak.

Who's playing race, Abdullah? Who's in pathetic denial?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..Regardless of race , (except for your political choice...) Its common practice worldwide where your choice of party will reflect your standard of investment on development in your turf. There is no utopia nor true democracy in this sad world but what exist is thwarted self defined rule that vaguely describe as democratic practices.