Read this.
"To say that theSun newspaper is a champion of Bangsa Malaysia shows that Dr Lim Keng Yaik sympathises with the newspaper which has all this while fought more for (the DAP's) 'Malaysian Malaysia'."
- Zainuddin Maidin, reported by The Sun; Aug 28, 2007
Read it and taste it. Smell it. Breathe it in deep and sense the textures of that thought. Try conjure the psyche of a person who could utter such a statement. Is he a wise person? Is he worth his appointment as a leader? You want the full broth,
go here. Jeffooi highlights it
I really, really can't figure this current Minister of Information. He's against public discussion, he truly believes the closed-door Cabinet is the only forum that is sensible. He believes only his kind in the party are smart and that every single one of us outside of it is a bumpkin fit only to chew on betel nuts and such.
This much i can gather: The textures and undertones of his remarks smack of the view that the common people in this country are a bunch of grazing farm animals out here in the pampas of Malaysia; some are beasts of burden, tasked to plough, others carry loads. We're good for our wool, good for meat and milk and the leather our skin may provide. The man speaks like we're lost without shepherds. Shepherds like Zam.
Zam truly believes we cannot think. And the only true feeling that defines a patriotic Malaysian is adulation for its shepherds. Like how we should carry flags everywhere we go. Barisan Nasional flags, i mean.
Amazing. What twisted tribe of humans does he belong which is capable of justifying a line of argument which translates critical thinking and debate as bad because it magically pursues the idea of Bangsa Malaysia, and in turn congeals into the Malaysian Malaysia agenda which ultimately is the loathsome DAP tagline? How is it possible that a simple practice of preserving the ethics of the fourth estate is led through his convoluted offals and emerges as a political ploy to overthrow the government. It always comes down to that, doesn't it?
Well, farm animals as we might be, Zam, i'm telling you this:
Baaa off. Go feed some ducks and goats in some agricultural enclave in the North Corridor Economic Region. In there lies your truest calling.