Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ijok N11(a) - BN's moral territory

While the physical boundary of Ijok (N11) is amply defined and understood, the moral boundary of the existing ruling party is another story. For three by-elections now, BN has rapidly revealed new territories south of Moral.

Much has been documented by independent observers but the full terrain has not been charted; all we know is there's a string of caverns - running from Batu Talam through Machap and Ijok - covered in slime. By the time we understand its features, we'd have seen the true face of Ugly.

Expedition KeADILan dropped anchor for two weeks over at Ijok and through its lens we record the caves are deeper, the smell fouler. And bats. Thousands of 'em. Whirling, screeching, and flinging water bottles. But there's a culture to all this, a primordial technology called 3G - greed, gangs and gempur.

And then there's the fourth. You see, a revised national almanac lists today as being All Souls Day in Ijok; at the polling stations, the fourth G is believed to emerge - ghosts, with an X factor.

This much I have surmised. The south of Moral is an ecosystem of reptilian values.

I've seen enough money pumped into this quiet charming town to make Dubai envious, heard a moist-lipped DPM tell lies, read of a self-appointed World Information Minister zamming BBC for biased reporting. I've seen high-ranking police officers shamelessly shutting down Opposition ceramahs, seen low-ranking Umno hooligans shamelessly decked in Zakaria shades.

I have not seen grace.

The good ship KeADILan has to be commended for helping to reveal the deeper nature of the coalition that has ruled us for 50 years; the BN party which could have chosen to go the loftier north, chose instead the bowel route.

No matter how Ijok's story ends later today, by my reckoning the Opposition has already won big-time. Winning Ijok will only be a bonus to the eventual BN thrashing that is to come in urban districts at the General Elections.

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